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Extreme Mudfest – Cold Lake

Slo-Pitch Ball Tournament


Maximum of 15 players per team permitted to sign up and purchase tickets. Please fill out this spot to pre-register your team as we are expected to sellout! A link will be emailed to the address you have provided for your team to purchase tickets. Please note, this link will be sent in the beginning of March, please try to have your full team ready at this point.

To secure your spot, you must have a min of 9 players purchase when our ticketing link is sent out. The first teams to pre-register and sign up their 9 members will have priority.


  • Teams must consist of a minimum of 6 men and 3 women. At least 4 women must be on the field to use the rover position.
  • Big ball / small ball is in effect. Males will hit the big ball and females will be given the choice as to what they want to hit.
  • Games consist of 7 innings. Each game has a 1.45-hour time slot. No new innings are to be started after 1 hr. 30 mins. At that time, you will finish the inning you are currently in.
  • Forfeits will score at 7-0
  • There is a maximum of seven runs per inning per team with the
    exception of the 7th inning being unlimited.
  • Home team will be determined by a coin toss for all round-robin games. In
    finals, the leading team will be home.
  • No metal spikes are allowed. No illegal bats. If a batter is found using an
    illegal bat it will be an automatic out. If it is found out after the
    hit, the batter is out and runners go back to where they were.
  • No more than 2 males can bat in a row. Then you must have the correct
    amount of females to make sure this happens.
  • A courtesy runner can only be used 3 times in the game and a player can
    only courtesy run once. A male runner can use either a male or female.
    A female must use a female only.
  • No bunting or chopping down of the ball on purpose
  • Late players may only be added until one complete turn through the
    lineups has occurred.
  • Umpires will be supplied for the semi-finals and finals. All other games
    must be umped by the teams as follows.
  • The batting teams must provide 1st and 3rd base coaches. 1st base coach
    will be responsible for calls at first and home and fair or foul balls on their line past 1st base. 3rd base coach will call at 2nd and 3rd and fair and foul balls past the third base. The catcher will be responsible for strikes and balls and infield fouls/fair balls .
  • Do not touch home plate. This is an automatic out. Players are to cross the safety line. No sliding at home.
  • After crossing the commitment line between 3rd and home, players are committed to go home.
  • Base stealing is not allowed. At least one of the runner’s feet must remain on the base until the batter has swung the bat. If a player leaves the bag before this happens it will be an automatic out.
  • A base runner may only advance on a caught-fly-ball by “tagging up.” The player must tag the base of possession after the ball is caught before proceeding.
  • All runners are awarded one base on an overthrow where the ball leaves the diamond.
  • 4 balls are a walk. If a male batter receives four straight balls in a row with a female batter behind him he will be awarded 2 bags if there is a strike in the mix he will be awarded one bag. The female batter behind must still bat.
  • The back catcher determines if a ball is fair or foul. If it lands fair and rolls foul before the bases, it is foul. It must land foul after the bases to be foul. All back catchers are responsible for calling it. Be sure to encourage back catchers to speak loud and clear.
  • HOME RUN RULE 3+1. If one team hits 3 home runs, they will not be allowed another home run until the other team matches them at 3; then it is plus one, and you can only be one ahead of the other team after. If you go over this rule the homerun will be an out.
  • Any home run balls MUST be retrieved by the hitting team.
  • “Walk-off” home runs are allowed.
  • A foul ball tipped to the catcher doesn’t have a height limit. If the catcher
    catches the ball you are out.
  • Infield fly rule-runners on first and second or bases loaded less than 2
    outs the batter will be automatically out and runners don’t advance.
  • Comebackers at pitcher; if the ball hits the pitcher in the neck/face/head it’s an automatic out. If the ball hits the body it will be the team’s first warning. If the pitcher is then hit again it does not matter if it is the same batter or not, it will be an automatic out.
  • PITCHING – 6′-12′ pitching arc is in effect. A no-pitch called will be considered a ball. The base coaches are to call no pitches while the ball is in motion.
  • All dugouts MUST be cleaned after every game.
  • Round Robin tie-breaking formula will be as follows:
    • Points-win/loss record
    • Head-to-head (if applicable)
    • Plus/Minus
    • Coin Toss (best of seven)
  • Let’s play ball!!!


Registration is now open for 2024! To get your team enrolled, simply click the button below and complete the form.

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